Making It Safe To Love
Deliberately Creating Safety, Closeness, Trust and Power.
by Heidi Fox and Fred J. Keyser
Foreward by Lewis E. Graham, Ph.D., D.D.
From the back cover:
Making It Safe to Love is a personal account and a text/workbook written
in an easily understandable, gentle style by Fred Keyser and Heidi Fox. In
these pages is 12 years of love, struggle, and experimentation LIVED by the
authors. You are introduced to the Loving Communication Principles which are a compact, precise system for resolving your most bothersome human and
emotional problems. You discover the simple, natural pathways back to
authentic and deeply connection with others.
Have you ever wanted ...
- to be deeply understood by an intimate partner or close
friend about sexuality, or some other past hurt?
- a compact system, that always works, that can
be used anywhere, that allows you to understand where people are coming
from, and how to have win/wins with them during arguments?
- a little map you could pull out, look up the
relationship snag or problem and know just what to say or do, to resolve
those lousy, scary, hurtful situations?
- to effectively help someone you love who's in pain?
- to heal a hurt between yourself and someone else?
- to be better at flirting, dating and going deeper?
- to understand something about the opposite sex that's repeatedly
mystifying you?
- to explore something about yourself that you've noticed and want to
understand more fully?
- to know when to back off or shut up---both for your good and theirs?
- to know "where" to speak from -- and just what to say?
- to know how to turn anger or jealousy into a doorway for greater closeness?
- to know how to be a people magnet, because of your effective communication?
The Loving Communication © Principles and Tools
- The Loving Communication© Principles is a tool set which is a "WE" Model. Meaning that it specifically deals with "We" dynamics or those interactions BETWEEN people. This is the science of
relationship; the actual winds, tides and currents that always take
place on the seas of relationship. Once you understand those, things
make ALOT more sense. And you have a lot more power.
Price: $19.95
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