If there is a single common thread that weaves through all times and all cultures, back to the very dawning of the race, it is the persistent belief in a realm that is not human, yet not animal... a kind of half-glimpsed world peopled by fairies and goblins, leprechauns and gremlins, and a host of other improbable creatures. Of course, our modern lifestyle has no room for such wraiths. Yet is there any one of us who does not wish, somewhere in his or her secret heart, that the old tales could be true, after all?
The message of this book is that in these other realms, the strange creatures of legend and fable, do in fact have a place upon this earth. In its pages you will discover not only their shapes and their perceptions of existence, but the very reasons for which they are here. Hilarion, through the mediumship of Maurice B. Cooke, rolls back the veils that separate us from what must be the strangest of our 'brothers': those who live at the earth's higher levels, and whose shapes many, many humans will soon begin to perceive directly, as the quickening of the earth's vibrations raises the consciousness and perceptions of all of her children.
[Comment from Jon:
This was the first Hilarion book I read. In addition to the information about these other realms and the beings who inhabit them, there is a great deal of very practical information about the inert gases, including several fascinating case histories. Also, step-by-step instructions are given to build the "Krypton Concentrator."
Altogether, an extremely varied, provocative (and somehow fun also!) book.]
Cover Designed by Art Gardner
Price: $9.95 US.
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